GSOL Gateway is the solution needed for business development of any company that uses the resources of the internet. With a user-friendly interface providing security against attacks, its powerful Firewall system assists the IT manager in the administration of the corporate network resources. It also has a accelerator of Internet Access (Cache) and reports of accesses to the Internet by company employees, promoting the correct use of this tool is of great importance to the business.
Firewall: the function of the Firewall is to protect traffic between the Internet and the company network, in order to prevent the transmission and receipt of information and access by hackers and unauthorized persons by the IT manager. The insertion of users is done through individual password in a graphical management with an intuitive web interface.
VPN (Virtual Private Network): GSOL Gateway also uses VPN server and client, a communication system much sought after by various companies for high reliability, integrity, and availability of data to a low cost.
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